
  • AuthSessionInfo


ip: string

The origin IP address of the QR login attempt

location: {
    geoloc: string;
    city: string;
    state: string;

Type declaration

  • geoloc: string

    A string containing geo coordinates

  • city: string
  • state: string

The EAuthTokenPlatformType provided for the QR code

deviceFriendlyName: string

The device name provided when the QR code was generated (likely a browser user-agent string)

version: number

The version from the QR code. Probably not useful to you.

locationMismatch: boolean

Indicates whether the location you requested the auth session info from doesn't match the location where the QR code was generated

highUsageLogin: boolean

Indicates "whether this login has seen high usage recently"

requestedPersistence: ESessionPersistence

The ESessionPersistence requested for this login

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