Using CommonJS:

const {LoginSession} = require('steam-session');

Using ES6 modules:

import {LoginSession} from 'steam-session';

The LoginSession class is the primary way to interact with steam-session.


  • TypedEmitter<LoginSessionEvents>
    • LoginSession


  • Parameters

    Returns LoginSession

    Constructs a new LoginSession instance. Example usage:

    import {LoginSession, EAuthTokenPlatformType} from 'steam-session';

    let session = new LoginSession(EAuthTokenPlatformType.WebBrowser);


defaultMaxListeners: number
_loginTimeout: number
_accountName?: string
_accessToken?: string
_refreshToken?: string
_platformType: EAuthTokenPlatformType
_webClient: default
_handler: default
_steamGuardCode?: string
_steamGuardMachineToken?: string
_startSessionResponse?: StartAuthSessionResponse
_hadRemoteInteraction?: boolean
_pollingStartedTime?: number
_pollTimer?: Timeout
_pollingCanceled?: boolean
_accessTokenSetAt?: Date


  • get loginTimeout(): number
  • A number specifying the time, in milliseconds, before a login attempt will timeout. The timer begins after polling begins.

    If you attempt to set this property after polling has already been emitted, an Error will be thrown since setting this property after that point has no effect.

    Returns number

  • set loginTimeout(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: number

    Returns void

  • get accountName(): string
  • Read-only. A string containing your account name. This is populated just before the authenticated event is fired.

    Returns string

  • get accessToken(): string
  • A string containing your access token. As of 2023-09-12, Steam does not return an access token in response to successful authentication, so this won't be set when the authenticated event is fired. This will be set after you call refreshAccessToken or renewRefreshToken. Also, since getWebCookies calls refreshAccessToken internally for EAuthTokenPlatformType.SteamClient or MobileApp, this will also be set after calling getWebCookies for those platform types.

    You can also assign an access token to this property if you already have one, although at present that wouldn't do anything useful.

    Setting this property will throw an Error if:

    • You set it to a token that isn't well-formed, or
    • You set it to a refresh token rather than an access token, or
    • You have already called startWithCredentials and you set it to a token that doesn't belong to the same account, or
    • You have already set refreshToken and you set this to a token that doesn't belong to the same account as the refresh token

    Access tokens can't be used for much. You can use them with a few undocumented WebAPIs like IFriendsListService/GetFriendsList by passing the access token as an access_token query string parameter. For example:

    As of time of writing (2023-04-24), it appears that you can also use access tokens with regular published API methods, for example:

    node-steamcommunity also has a method you can use to provide it with an access token: setMobileAppAccessToken

    Returns string

  • set accessToken(token): void
  • Parameters

    • token: string

    Returns void

  • get refreshToken(): string
  • A string containing your refresh token. This is populated just before the authenticated event is fired. You can also assign a refresh token to this property if you already have one.

    Setting this property will throw an Error if:

    • You set it to a token that isn't well-formed, or
    • You set it to an access token rather than a refresh token, or
    • You have already called startWithCredentials and you set it to a token that doesn't belong to the same account, or
    • You have already set accessToken and you set this to a token that doesn't belong to the same account as the access token

    Returns string

  • set refreshToken(token): void
  • Parameters

    • token: string

    Returns void

  • get _defaultWebsiteId(): "Client" | "Community" | "Mobile"
  • Returns "Client" | "Community" | "Mobile"


  • Parameters

    • mustHaveSteamId: boolean = false

    Returns void

  • Returns Promise<StartSessionResponse>

    Starts a new login attempt using your account credentials. Returns a Promise.

    If you're logging in with EAuthTokenPlatformType.SteamClient, you can supply a Buffer containing the SHA-1 hash of your sentry file for steamGuardMachineToken.

    For example:

    import {createHash} from 'crypto';
    import {readFileSync} from 'fs';
    import {LoginSession, EAuthTokenPlatformType} from 'steam-session';

    let hash = createHash('sha1');
    let buffer = hash.digest(); // buffer contains a Buffer

    let session = new LoginSession(EAuthTokenPlatformType.SteamClient);
    accountName: 'johndoe',
    password: 'h3ll0wor1d',
    steamGuardMachineToken: buffer

    If you supply a steamGuardCode here and you're using email-based Steam Guard, Steam will send you a new Steam Guard email if you're using EAuthTokenPlatformType.SteamClient or MobileApp. You would ideally keep your LoginSession active that generated your first email, and pass the code using submitSteamGuardCode instead of creating a new LoginSession and supplying the code to startWithCredentials.

    On failure, the Promise will be rejected with its message being equal to the string representation of an EResult value. There will also be an eresult property on the Error object equal to the numeric representation of the relevant EResult value. For example:

    Error: InvalidPassword
    eresult: 5

    On success, the Promise will be resolved with a StartSessionResponse object.

    Here's a list of which guard types might be present in this method's response, and how you should proceed:

    Note that multiple guard types might be available; for example both DeviceCode and DeviceConfirmation can be available at the same time.

    When this method resolves, steamID will be populated.

  • Returns Promise<StartSessionResponse>

    Starts a new QR login attempt. Returns a Promise.

    On failure, the Promise will be rejected with its message being equal to the string representation of an EResult value. There will also be an eresult property on the Error object equal to the numeric representation of the relevant EResult value. Realistically, failures should never happen unless Steam is having problems or you're having network issues.

    On success, the Promise will be resolved with a StartSessionResponse object.

    steamID will not be populated when this method resolves, since at this point we don't know which account we're going to log into. It will be populated after you successfully authenticate.

    Immediately after this resolves, LoginSession will start polling to determine when authentication has succeeded.

  • Returns Promise<boolean>

    • true if code submitted successfully, false if code wasn't valid or no code available
  • Parameters

    • authCode: string

      Your Steam Guard code

    Returns Promise<void>

    If a Steam Guard code is needed, you can supply it using this method. Returns a Promise.

    On failure, the Promise will be rejected with its message being equal to the string representation of an EResult value. There will also be an eresult property on the Error object equal to the numeric representation of the relevant EResult value. For example:

    Error: TwoFactorCodeMismatch
    eresult: 88

    Note that an incorrect email code will fail with EResult value InvalidLoginAuthCode (65), and an incorrect TOTP code will fail with EResult value TwoFactorCodeMismatch (88).

    On success, the Promise will be resolved with no value. In this case, you should expect for authenticated to be emitted shortly.

  • Returns boolean

    • True if we were actively polling and it has now been canceled. False if we were not polling.

    Cancels polling for an ongoing login attempt. Once canceled, you should no longer interact with this LoginSession object, and you should create a new one if you want to start a new attempt.

  • Returns Promise<string[]>

    Once successfully authenticated, you can call this method to get cookies for use on the Steam websites. You can also manually set refreshToken and then call this method without going through another login attempt if you already have a valid refresh token. Returns a Promise.

    On failure, the Promise will be rejected. Depending on the nature of the failure, an EResult may or may not be available.

    On success, the Promise will be resolved with an array of strings. Each string contains a cookie, e.g. 'steamLoginSecure=blahblahblahblah'.

    Here's an example of how you can get new web cookies when you already have a valid refresh token:

    import {LoginSession, EAuthTokenPlatformType} from 'steam-session';

    let session = new LoginSession(EAuthTokenPlatformType.WebBrowser);
    session.refreshToken = 'eyAidHlwIjogIkpXVCIsICJhbGciOiAiRWREU0EiIH0.eyJpc3MiOiJ...';
    let cookies = await session.getWebCookies();
  • Returns Promise<void>

    As long as a refreshToken is set, you can call this method to obtain a new access token. Returns a Promise.

    On failure, the Promise will be rejected. An EResult will be available under the eresult property of the Error object.

    On success, the Promise will be resolved with no value. You can then read the access token from the LoginSession's accessToken property.

    import {LoginSession, EAuthTokenPlatformType} from 'steam-session';

    let session = new LoginSession(EAuthTokenPlatformType.WebBrowser);
    session.refreshToken = 'eyAidHlwIjogIkpXVCIsICJhbGciOiAiRWREU0EiIH0.eyJpc3MiOiJ...';
    await session.refreshAccessToken();

    console.log(`New access token: ${session.accessToken}`);

    As of 2023-04-24, this method works for EAuthTokenPlatformType.MobileApp and SteamClient, but using WebBrowser will fail with response AccessDenied.

  • Returns Promise<boolean>


    Does the same thing as refreshAccessToken, while also attempting to renew your refresh token.

    Whether a new refresh token will actually be issued is at the discretion of the Steam backend. This method will return true if a new refresh token was issued (which can be accessed using the refreshToken property), or false if no new refresh token was issued. Regardless of the return value, the accessToken property is always updated with a fresh access token (unless there was an error).

    Important: If a refresh token is successfully renewed (e.g. this method returns true), the old refresh token will become invalid, even if it is not yet expired.

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof LoginSessionEvents


    • event: U
    • listener: LoginSessionEvents[U]

    Returns LoginSession

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof LoginSessionEvents


    • event: U
    • listener: LoginSessionEvents[U]

    Returns LoginSession

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof LoginSessionEvents


    • event: U
    • listener: LoginSessionEvents[U]

    Returns LoginSession

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof LoginSessionEvents


    • event: U
    • listener: LoginSessionEvents[U]

    Returns LoginSession

  • Parameters

    • Optional event: keyof LoginSessionEvents

    Returns LoginSession

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof LoginSessionEvents


    • event: U
    • listener: LoginSessionEvents[U]

    Returns LoginSession

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof LoginSessionEvents


    • event: U
    • listener: LoginSessionEvents[U]

    Returns LoginSession

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof LoginSessionEvents


    • event: U
    • listener: LoginSessionEvents[U]

    Returns LoginSession

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof LoginSessionEvents


    • event: U
    • Rest ...args: Parameters<LoginSessionEvents[U]>

    Returns boolean

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof LoginSessionEvents

    Returns U[]

  • Parameters

    • type: keyof LoginSessionEvents

    Returns number

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof LoginSessionEvents


    • type: U

    Returns LoginSessionEvents[U][]

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof LoginSessionEvents


    • type: U

    Returns LoginSessionEvents[U][]

  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • n: number

    Returns LoginSession


polling: string = 'polling'

This event is emitted once we start polling Steam to periodically check if the login attempt has succeeded or not. Polling starts when any of these conditions are met:

  • A login session is successfully started with credentials and no guard is required (e.g. Steam Guard is disabled)*
  • A login session is successfully started with credentials and you supplied a valid code to steamGuardCode*
  • A login session is successfully started with credentials, you're using email Steam Guard, and you supplied a valid steamGuardMachineToken*
  • A login session is successfully started with credentials, then you supplied a valid code to submitSteamGuardCode*
  • A login session is successfully started, and DeviceConfirmation or EmailConfirmation are among the valid guards
    • This case covers QR logins, since a QR login is a device confirmation under the hood

* = in these cases, we expect to only have to poll once before login succeeds.

After this event is emitted, if your loginTimeout elapses and the login attempt has not yet succeeded, timeout is emitted and the login attempt is abandoned. You would then need to start a new login attempt using a fresh LoginSession object.

timeout: string = 'timeout'

This event is emitted when the time specified by loginTimeout elapses after polling begins, and the login attempt has not yet succeeded. When timeout is emitted, cancelLoginAttempt is called internally.

remoteInteraction: string = 'remoteInteraction'

This event is emitted when Steam reports a "remote interaction" via polling. This is observed to happen when the approval prompt is viewed in the Steam mobile app for the DeviceConfirmation guard. For a QR login, this would be after you scan the code, but before you tap approve or deny.

steamGuardMachineToken: string = 'steamGuardMachineToken'

This event is emitted when Steam sends us a new Steam Guard machine token. Machine tokens are only relevant when logging into an account that has email-based Steam Guard enabled. Thus, this will only be emitted after successfully logging into such an account.

At this time, this event is only emitted when logging in using EAuthTokenPlatformType.SteamClient. It's not presently possible to get a machine token for the WebBrowser platform (and MobileApp platform doesn't support machine tokens at all).

When this event is emitted, the steamGuardMachineToken property contains your new machine token.

authenticated: string = 'authenticated'

This event is emitted when we successfully authenticate with Steam. At this point, accountName and refreshToken are populated. If the EAuthTokenPlatformType passed to the constructor is appropriate, you can now safely call getWebCookies.

error: string = 'error'

This event is emitted if we encounter an error while polling. The first argument to the event handler is an Error object. If this happens, the login attempt has failed and will need to be retried.

Node.js will crash if this event is emitted and not handled.

session.on('error', (err) => {
console.error(`An error occurred: ${err.message}`);

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